Inclusive Design Training – Aberystwyth University

Established in 1872 as the first University College of Wales, Aberystwyth is a leading teaching and research university. It was awarded Gold in the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) in June 2018 and was named University of the Year for Teaching Quality in The Times | Sunday Times Good University Guide 2019, the first university to be awarded the accolade for two years running. In the 2018 National Student Survey, Aberystwyth was the best in Wales and one of the top universities in the UK for overall student satisfaction.

Aberystwyth University is committed to providing support to its staff and students in order to ensure they maximise their potential and progress regardless of any accessibility needs or issues they may experience

A building on one of the University of Aberystwyth campuses

The Challenge

Aberystwyth University has a mixed portfolio in respect of the age and complexity of its buildings. In meeting its ambitions and objectives regarding accessibility and inclusion, the University had commissioned AccessAble to survey and produce Best Practice Guidance reports across the estate. Following this programme there was a significant amount of data and insight brought together and there became a wider challenge in ensuring a consistent interpretation of the information to prioritise areas of improvement most effectively.

The Solution

AccessAble worked with colleagues at Aberystwyth University to develop a specific training workshop programme that was able to support the wider team in their interpretation of the access information. A practical, on-site workshop programme was created including experiential exercises to help understand the contextual issues and importance of inclusive design and then to review specific information relating to the University estate and some of its key buildings. Workshops were delivered to different staff teams involved in the development of the estate.


"We launched our AccessAble access guides in March 2019, which involved developing comprehensive building and teaching room access guides, identifying accessible routes between high footfall areas on campus, and subsequently recommending building improvements based on AccessAble’s best practice guidance.

We have found AccessAble to be professional, knowledgeable, and responsive to our requirements which included providing a tailored training course and implementing the recommendations made by the best practice guidance. AccessAble representatives have also attended and presented at corporate events, such as the formal launch of Aberystwyth University’s Access Guides, enhancing such events with their expert guidance and information. Our partnership with AccessAble continues to provide an invaluable resource to enhance the experience of all our building and service users."

Rhodri Gravell

Health, Safety and Environmental Manager, Aberystwyth University